People Flow Optimisation

Samsic Airport provides specialised people flow optimization services, both for one-off events with peak flows, and for transit areas. Our attentive, ever-present, teams help people find their way around the areas in which they find themselves, deal with unforeseen situations, and manage the equipment available to them. Our experience has taught us that highly-frequented areas are ideal for communications campaigns and our specially trained teams are often called upon to set up promotional events for new services or facilities.


Our extensive range of people flow optimization services include:

  • Commuter customer services: facilitating people flows, directing customers to available waiting areas, and making transit areas more humane and welcoming
  • Visitor and passenger flows: reception duties, screening services (ticket/ID checks, etc.), anti-fraud initiatives, and passenger counts
  • Gilets Rouges™ (Red Vests) welcome team: a stationary and permanent welcome unit in strategic locations, or mobile teams which meet and assist visitors/passengers during peak flow periods
  • Major events (sports and cultural events, trade shows, etc.): facilitating people flows to avoid bottle necks, signage simplification and directing people, increasing the comfort of an area
People Flow Optimisation
People Flow Optimisation
  • Accompanying groups and VIPs


  • Products/services distribution and promotion: distribution (hand-to-hand, warehouse, onsite), demonstration and image enhancement


  • Emergency back-up teams in the event of disruptions


  • Specific construction site services: assistance in crossing dangerous roads, signage simplification, intermodal service facilitation

Waiting times and high people-traffic areas go hand-in-hand, but waiting times could often be much better spent and be more beneficial for visitors and passengers from a personal or professional point of view. Our customised range of services vastly improve your waiting areas:

  • Cloakroom management: reception, registration, payment, item storage and return
  • Concierge service and parcel relay
  • Toilet facilities
  • Static queue management in specific areas
  • Tourist and business passenger welcome services

People Flow Optimisation airport

Samsic Airport’s services also extend to taxi-rank logistics. Our trained agents help to reduce taxi-queue waiting times, assist with carrying luggage, prioritise and secure access for reduced mobility passengers, mediate if conflicts arise, find alternative transport solutions if there are not enough taxis, and inform taxi drivers of airport or train service changes.